Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

I remember

I remember

“Don’t you remember?” Bima looked at me hopelessly.

I blinked at him as the respond. I have already heard that question many times from the others as I lost the entire of my memories. I was used of this kind of questions. They didn’t know sometimes how frustrated I was to remember things that they asked or how silly their questions. I felt pity them for asking question that actually I remembered.

Bima was still waiting for my answer. He would scratch the back of his head when he was confuse.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say that.” He looked guilty. 

nastar cake

He took the nastar cake bottle and opened the cover. He took one of the cakes. He smiled. “This is my favorite cake when the idul fitri celebration.”

I shook my head. “No. That’s my favorite. Yours are putri salju cake.” Bima looked shock. I continued, “You said putri salju cake is the only one princess that you love since it is the sweetest cake and beautiful cake for you.”

putri salju cake

I stopped to laugh when Bima still looked shock.

“Yes, Bima, I remember.”

I remembered the moment we shared. I remembered how we laughed after watching comedy movie. I remembered our dreams before we graduated from our senior high school. I remembered the way you look at me whenever I talked to you. I remembered the way you laughed and smiled. I remembered you used to say I always shock you.

“Yes, Bima, I still remember you,” I repeated and smiled.

inspired by I remember - Mocca 
source of pictures:

Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

Real Friends

source of image: www.factretriever.com

I entered to a room full of people. It was Madeline’s party. I felt some girl whispered behind me asking why I’m here. They shut their mouth as I look back at them. But, their silence told me the truth that I was the one they were just talking about. I really wanted to tell them that Madeline invited me two weeks ago. Of course, that was before it happened.

My eyes glanced to the others wishing there were anyone that would say “hi” to me or someone that I could come over without get judged. I continued my walk to find Madeline. She was the one who insisted that I had to come to her party. Yeah, Madeline was the one who still wanted to be my friend. Or I thought so.

And, there was Madeline standing in the center of the room. I was smiling when I thought she looked at me. But, she actually she was smiling at our senior named Lily. She didn’t recognize my presence. So, I waited until she finished talking Lily. Maybe, she didn’t see me, yeah, of course, she was my best friend and the only one I have this time. I stepped to the table and took a bottle of coke. I came back to see her and stood near the stairs—she couldn’t see me where I was standing right now.

“I couldn’t believe she came to your party after what her dad did.”

“Neither do I,” I heard Madeline reply. “Did you see the news yesterday? Her dad is already designated as suspected for the bank corruption.”

“Yes, yes, I saw it,” said the other girl. “Even it becomes hashtag in twitter. She is really shameless coming to your party. Did you invite her?”

My heart pounded as I waited Madeline’s respond. My eyes were full of water.

“No, I didn’t.”

I decided to get out from Madeline’s house. I didn’t know what she said three days ego to remind me I had to come to her house for the party. And the silly and naïve me came here because she said so. And, now I knew I didn’t deserve such a party. I was wondering whether I deserve to have a real friend. Just one, I didn’t hope for many. 

Inspired by Real Friends - Camila Cabello

Selasa, 19 Desember 2017

Our Table

Every time we came to this café, we’ll choose this table. It’s located beside the big transparent window near the door. We used to call it our table—or I’m used to. If someone has already sit on that, I can’t help myself but keep staring at them, wish they will leave the table sooner since it supposed to be ours. And, you will gave me distraction by asking me several question about my day or just flattered how beautiful I am today, and of course—you’ll add to makes my smile wider—you’ll always look beautiful every day, you say. If it didn’t work, you’ll say how you miss me until you hope we can meet every second.

I know that’s cheesy, but I’m kind of missing your cheesiness rather than this silence that strangle me I can’t breathe. Strangely, I wish we didn’t get this table today just to hear the words came from your mouth that you are missed me a lot like I did, do, and will.

I was wondering whether you miss me. I was also wondering whether you would miss this café, especially this table.

Our love for that special table is because this is the first time we met in this table. At that time, all the table is full. That was the time I caught your eyes. Without hesitation, I asked you to sit with me. Yes, you’re the stranger one. And that was the time when I felt stranger to my self—I just dumped by my ex. Sitting together at that seat, I told you about my story. Yeah, that was our first time to meet each other. But, it was easy for me to tell you everything like you were my best friend. More than that, I felt like we are created to be a complete package.

And, I felt the same, tho.

But your gaze hit my heart. You peer at my ring on my finger.  I stumble and fell from the highest place called ours—our love, our moment, our table. There is no room for them.

You got a call but I know that was from her. You told me you have to leave. Of course, she asked you to come to her. You did not need to explain she was sick. I’m the healthy one should be understand, yeah, I kept saying to my head. I have to understand. To you, I smiled wryly and say that was not a big deal for me.  Even though, that was.

And, now, as I watched your back I wish I could say more words like we used to do. I wish I could run to you and said I missed you a lot. And, I still loved you.

Apparently, that was not just my imagination. And you wouldn’t know how relieved I was that you hug me back.

“Thank you,” I said to your shoulder, before you came to your wife.

terinspirasi dari lagu Di Atas Meja oleh Payung Teduh

Senin, 11 Desember 2017

Favorite Book All of the Time

(source of image: me)

I'm used to love Harry Potter book series. I've already read those book several times, including English and  bahasa version. I also read the additional book of the Harry Potter series such as Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them by Newt Scramander and The Tales of Beedle The Bard. I even read the screenplay The Cursed Child and Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them.Yeah, no doubt I’m a big fan of Harry Potter. However, if I want to talk about what books that my favorite all of the time, probably I will show you Sirkus Pohon by Andrea Hirata and A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. 

(source of image: google)

When I was reading the first chapter, I don’t have any idea what Sirkus Pohon tells about. There is no synopsis or excerpt of the book behind the book. I just let myself enjoy the writing style and the storyline. And, it’s a REALLY worth reading. Hirata can tell such painful scenes or plot in different way and they are turn out to be such a humor. The characters in the book are also unique. And not to mention, the writing style of the author is also really unique. It’s rich of diction, but structured in simple way. I can say this book is really refreshing. Reading this book is like eating a fresh of mangos. I love it!

(source of image: google)
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman is a book that I put on my unputdownable book. It’s hard to ignore this book until I can read the whole book (eventually, I don’t continue read this book after the first chapter. And that was my biggest regret. Seriously, if you feel this book is not your worth reading type as I felt before, just go to the next page and the next page). Yeah, at the first time, I feel like Ove is such a mean man. However, after reading the pages to pages, I understand why he becomes such grumpy man. And, actually, he is a loveable soul who will help anyone, including the stray cat. Reading this book makes me cry, smile, laugh, cry, smile, laugh, and you start from the previous. IT’S A WORTH READING!!

Both of these books is my go to book whenever I feel like want to read something but don’t have any idea what will be fun to read. I also will pick this book when I’m down and need some laugh.

Jumat, 08 Desember 2017

Favorite Indonesian Young Adult Novel

(source of image: google)

So, the challenge for today is writing about my favorite Indonesian young adult novel. When I read my challenge for December 7th, several titles of recent novel that I’ve read pop up on my head. I’m thinking about Welcome Home, Rain by Suarcani. I like the writing style and how the writer tells the reader the storyline. This book is one of the unputdownable book since the first time I read it. However, I think I would tell you about Galette, a young adult novel written by Fainy Wong.

Actually, the novel is already on my scoop since months ago. I’ve never read the author’s works before even though the cover looks cute.  I still did not give it a try since I have a long list to read. Then, when I want to read a young adult novel, I come to this novel. Before reading it, I did not read the synopsis (on the back cover) or review in the goodreads which gave me no expectation for this book. However, it turned out to be really good! I was enjoy the way the writer told the story line. And the character is really strong—it’s not a kind of strength that they can beat someone easily. It’s like you really know the characters well. Also, what’s make me interest the most is since the character is an entrepreneur. I love to read about a creative characters in the novel as they inspire me to be creative too.

Here is the synopsis of the novel:

Odile tahu bahwa keluarganya di ambang kebangkrutan dan harus menjual segala aset untuk bisa bertahan. Tapi ia menolak menyerah pada keadaan. 

Ganesh tahu hatinya selalu dipenuhi dendam dan prasangka terhadap ayah yang telah menitipkannya di tengah keluarga Odile. Dendam yang membuatnya selalu marah pada keadaan dan memutuskan pergi ke Paris untuk mencari jawaban. 

Kirana tahu bakat seni sang ayah mengalir kental dalam darahnya. Tapi ia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Sifat penakut, pemalu dan kikuk telah menyembunyikan potensinya rapat-rapat. 

Ketiganya tumbuh bersama, menghabiskan masa kecil hingga remaja di taman kecil di belakang kafe Galette. Namun seiring waktu, masalah di kampus, problem cinta, dan pencarian jati diri membuat jarak di antara mereka semakin menganga. 

Ketika kafe Galette terancam dijual dan hanya ada satu kesempatan untuk mempertahankannya, ketiga sahabat itu akhirnya melihat di mana hati mereka berada.

Note: this post is actually posted yesterday as my December 7th writing challenge. But I got trouble connection to upload it.

Awal yang Baru

source: pinterest.com Dari luar jendela, kudengar rintik hujan mengetuk-ngetuk bumi. Kubuka pintu kamar dan berjalan menuju balkon. Ku...