Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

I remember

I remember

“Don’t you remember?” Bima looked at me hopelessly.

I blinked at him as the respond. I have already heard that question many times from the others as I lost the entire of my memories. I was used of this kind of questions. They didn’t know sometimes how frustrated I was to remember things that they asked or how silly their questions. I felt pity them for asking question that actually I remembered.

Bima was still waiting for my answer. He would scratch the back of his head when he was confuse.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say that.” He looked guilty. 

nastar cake

He took the nastar cake bottle and opened the cover. He took one of the cakes. He smiled. “This is my favorite cake when the idul fitri celebration.”

I shook my head. “No. That’s my favorite. Yours are putri salju cake.” Bima looked shock. I continued, “You said putri salju cake is the only one princess that you love since it is the sweetest cake and beautiful cake for you.”

putri salju cake

I stopped to laugh when Bima still looked shock.

“Yes, Bima, I remember.”

I remembered the moment we shared. I remembered how we laughed after watching comedy movie. I remembered our dreams before we graduated from our senior high school. I remembered the way you look at me whenever I talked to you. I remembered the way you laughed and smiled. I remembered you used to say I always shock you.

“Yes, Bima, I still remember you,” I repeated and smiled.

inspired by I remember - Mocca 
source of pictures:

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