Jumat, 08 Desember 2017

Favorite Indonesian Young Adult Novel

(source of image: google)

So, the challenge for today is writing about my favorite Indonesian young adult novel. When I read my challenge for December 7th, several titles of recent novel that I’ve read pop up on my head. I’m thinking about Welcome Home, Rain by Suarcani. I like the writing style and how the writer tells the reader the storyline. This book is one of the unputdownable book since the first time I read it. However, I think I would tell you about Galette, a young adult novel written by Fainy Wong.

Actually, the novel is already on my scoop since months ago. I’ve never read the author’s works before even though the cover looks cute.  I still did not give it a try since I have a long list to read. Then, when I want to read a young adult novel, I come to this novel. Before reading it, I did not read the synopsis (on the back cover) or review in the goodreads which gave me no expectation for this book. However, it turned out to be really good! I was enjoy the way the writer told the story line. And the character is really strong—it’s not a kind of strength that they can beat someone easily. It’s like you really know the characters well. Also, what’s make me interest the most is since the character is an entrepreneur. I love to read about a creative characters in the novel as they inspire me to be creative too.

Here is the synopsis of the novel:

Odile tahu bahwa keluarganya di ambang kebangkrutan dan harus menjual segala aset untuk bisa bertahan. Tapi ia menolak menyerah pada keadaan. 

Ganesh tahu hatinya selalu dipenuhi dendam dan prasangka terhadap ayah yang telah menitipkannya di tengah keluarga Odile. Dendam yang membuatnya selalu marah pada keadaan dan memutuskan pergi ke Paris untuk mencari jawaban. 

Kirana tahu bakat seni sang ayah mengalir kental dalam darahnya. Tapi ia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Sifat penakut, pemalu dan kikuk telah menyembunyikan potensinya rapat-rapat. 

Ketiganya tumbuh bersama, menghabiskan masa kecil hingga remaja di taman kecil di belakang kafe Galette. Namun seiring waktu, masalah di kampus, problem cinta, dan pencarian jati diri membuat jarak di antara mereka semakin menganga. 

Ketika kafe Galette terancam dijual dan hanya ada satu kesempatan untuk mempertahankannya, ketiga sahabat itu akhirnya melihat di mana hati mereka berada.

Note: this post is actually posted yesterday as my December 7th writing challenge. But I got trouble connection to upload it.

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